
Freestyle Trampoline Slam Dunks on a Train by the Dunking Devils | PEOPLE ARE AWESOME

2016-10-27 2 Dailymotion

Our friends the Dunking Devils take their freestyle trampoline dunks to new extreme heights by performing on the top of a speeding train! As Domen from the Dunking Devils puts it: “To be able to dunk on a speeding train was as a dream not long ago. I would never have thought it would be possible to do amazing dunks and freestyle basketball moves on a speeding train 150 feet off the ground! Only through the never ending dedication of the Dunking Devils team and the amazing folks at Slovenian Railways did we manage to make this dream a reality.”

Thanks to the Dunking Devils for the video!
Dunking Devils Team: http://dunking-devils.com/
Facebook: https://facebook.com/dunking.devils.team
Twitter: https://twitter.com/dunkingdevils
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/dunkingdevils/
G+: http://goo.gl/x8Wws4
Music: Soundtrack by Anže Rozman - listen at: https://soundcloud.com/archestralmusi...

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